Webcam from Säby, Tjörn, Sweden
2022-12-14 at 10:50 am

Latitude 58,0' N
Longitude 11,3' E
Elevation 33'

The Weather Station is located approx. 30 miles N of Goteborg in the west part of Sweden.

Current Conditions as of 10:50 am, 2022-12-14 (UTC+1)
26,4 °F/-3,1 °C
Wind Speed:
N 8,9 mph
Wind Gust:
N 15,0 mph
Daily Rainfall:
0,094 In (0,000 In last hour)
29,45 In Hg
92 %
Wind Chill:
17,4 °F/-8,1 °C
Solar Radiation:
4 W/m²
UV Index:
UV Dose:
0,0 MED:s
8:54 am
3:25 pm
9:47 pm
12:53 *
Summary of the last 24 hours
Date Time
12-14-22 10:00 am
12-14-22 09:00 am
12-14-22 08:00 am
12-14-22 07:00 am
12-14-22 06:00 am
12-14-22 05:00 am
12-14-22 04:00 am
12-14-22 03:00 am
12-14-22 02:00 am
12-14-22 01:00 am
12-14-22 12:00 am
12-13-22 11:00 pm
12-13-22 10:00 pm
12-13-22 09:00 pm
12-13-22 08:00 pm
12-13-22 07:00 pm
12-13-22 06:00 pm
12-13-22 05:00 pm
12-13-22 04:00 pm
12-13-22 03:00 pm
12-13-22 02:00 pm
12-13-22 01:00 pm
12-13-22 12:00 pm
12-13-22 11:00 am
This page was last updated 2022-12-14 at 11:12 am.

Weather Data provided by Davis Instruments Vantage Pro Plus. Weather Reporting Software is WeatherLink from Davis Instruments and Webvind ver. 2.2.29 from ELJI Elektronik AB. Weather Conditions and Web cam are updated every 10 minute.


Startpage for "Weather on Tjorn" (in Swedish)


© 1997-2004 ELJI Elektronik AB, Kållekärr Sweden.